


Jonathan Bowen

J. Bowen

This is a Wiki for Museums in particular and cultural heritage in general, set up by Jonathan Bowen in 2006. It is intended for museum personnel to participate in populating this wiki with museum-related material, typically in a form that is more detailed than suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia. It concentrates on technological aspects, especially museum-related wikis, but it is not limited to these topics. Do also visit the Virtual Museum of Computing and the Virtual Library museums pages (VLmp) on this wiki.

See notes of students on the LIS-697-09 museum informatics course at the Pratt Institute during May to June 2012.

Jonathan Bowen

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You might read this random article: MediaWiki for a Museum

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Further information

For information on using this wiki, see the paper A Museums Wiki at the MW2007 Museums and the Web conference. For information on documenting museums on Wikipedia, see the paper Museums and Wikipedia at the previous MW2006 conference. It is recommended that you read these papers first before attempting to edit this wiki. You are welcome to interlink Wikipedia museums pages and pages on this wiki if you wish, as appropriate. This wiki is best for more detailed multi-page information, Wikipedia is appropriate for a one-page entry on most museums.

In addition, an article on wikis in general and Wikipedia in particular appeared in the Times Higher Education Supplement on 21 July 2006.


EVA London 2022

EVA London 2022

EVA Paris 2022

EVA Paris 2022

EVA London 2021

EVA London 2021

EVA Berlin 2020

EVA Berlin 2020

EVA London 2020

EVA London 2019

EVA Berlin 2019

EVA Berlin 2019

EVA London 2019

EVA London 2019

EVA Paris 2019

EVA Paris 2019

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2019

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2019

EVA Berlin 2018

EVA Berlin 2018

EVA London 2018

EVA London 2018

EVA Paris 2018

EVA Paris 2018

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2018

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2018

EVA Berlin 2016

EVA Berlin 2016

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2016

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2016

EVA Berlin 2015

EVA Berlin 2015

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2015

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2015

EVA Berlin 2014

EVA Berlin 2014

EVA Berlin 2013

EVA Berlin 2013

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2013

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2013

EVA London 2012

The article EVA London 2012 includes links for the EVA London conference in July 2012.


The article MW2012 includes links for the Museums and the Web 2012 conference in April 2012.

EVA Berlin 2011

EVA Berlin 2011 was held in Berlin, Germany.

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2011

Berliner Herbsttreffen zur Museumsdokumentation 2011

EVA London 2011

The article EVA London 2011 includes links for the EVA London conference in July 2011.


The article MW2011 includes links for the Museums and the Web 2011 conference.

EVA Berlin 2010

At the EVA Berlin 2010 conference the MuseumsWiki has been presented as colloborational tool for the project Kooperation der Forschungsgruppe INKA mit dem Museum für Islamische Kunst (German)


The MuseumsWiki provides the article MW2010 with links for participants of the conference and the Wikimedia@MW2010 workshop.


The article MW2009 includes links for this conference.

MW2008 conference

This wiki was presented at the MW2008 Museums and the Web conference (Montreal, Canada, 9–12 April 2008) by Jonathan Bowen as part of a mini-workshop on Wiki Software and Facilities for Museums.

Main article: Conferences

Current events

Events (most recent first):


















See also